Partners Overview

We are stronger together!

Offer Cyber Security Services to your clients!

At Venkon, we are focused and committed to building strong and trusted relationships with you. We partner with companies around the nation to offer complete information security solutions.

Partners benefits

Why partner with Venkon?

Open the door to new clients and keep your current clients happy!

Keep your current clients happy by helping them with top-class information security services. Additionally, obtain new clients by providing them solutions to their compliance and cyber security issues.

No Competition

We complement your services and we strictly focus on information security services.

Differentiate from your competitors

Unlike more traditional information security companies we tailor our services to your business needs. This approach allows you to deliver a better experience to your clients.


We have developed a cost structure for partners to enable you to benefit from generous margins from day one.

Become a partner

Ready to become a partner?

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